Use the from and to attributes to regularize the beginning and ending values provided in the element content.
The model of this element is based on the biblScope element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).
<elementSpec ident="biblScope" module="MEI.shared">
<gloss xml:lang="en">scope of citation</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a
list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.bibl"/>
<memberOf key="att.facsimile"/>
<memberOf key="att.extent"/>
<memberOf key="att.lang"/>
<memberOf key="model.biblPart"/>
<attDef ident="from" usage="opt">
<rng:data type="token"/>
<attDef ident="to" usage="opt">
<rng:data type="token"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>Use the <att>from</att> and <att>to</att> attributes to regularize the beginning and ending
values provided in the element content.</p>
<p>The model of this element is based on the <ref target="">biblScope</ref> element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).</p>