
Attributes that describe measured tremolandi.
unitdur(optional)The performed duration of an individual note in a measured tremolo. Value conforms to data.DURATION.cmn.
unitdur(optional)The performed duration of an individual note in a measured tremolo. Value conforms to data.DURATION.cmn.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
unitdur(optional)The performed duration of an individual note in a measured tremolo. Value conforms to data.DURATION.cmn.
Available at
bTremA rapid alternation on a single pitch or chord.
fTremA rapid alternation between a pair of notes (or chords or perhaps between a note and a chord) that are (usually) farther apart than a major second.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
bTremA rapid alternation on a single pitch or chord.
fTremA rapid alternation between a pair of notes (or chords or perhaps between a note and a chord) that are (usually) farther apart than a major second.
<classSpec ident="att.tremMeasured" module="MEI.cmn" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that describe measured tremolandi.</desc>
<attDef ident="unitdur" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">The performed duration of an individual note in a measured tremolo.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.DURATION.cmn"/>