
Attributes that describe transposition.
trans.diat, trans.semi
trans.diat(optional)Records the amount of diatonic pitch shift, e.g., C to C♯ = 0, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. Value is an integer.
trans.semi(optional)Records the amount of pitch shift in semitones, e.g., C to C♯ = 1, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. Value is an integer.
trans.diat(optional)Records the amount of diatonic pitch shift, e.g., C to C♯ = 0, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. Value is an integer.
trans.semi(optional)Records the amount of pitch shift in semitones, e.g., C to C♯ = 1, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. Value is an integer.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
trans.diat(optional)Records the amount of diatonic pitch shift, e.g., C to C♯ = 0, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. Value is an integer.
trans.semi(optional)Records the amount of pitch shift in semitones, e.g., C to C♯ = 1, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. Value is an integer.
Available at
perfResName of an instrument on which a performer plays, a performer's voice range, or a standard performing ensemble designation.
layerDefContainer for layer meta-information.
scoreDefContainer for score meta-information.
staffDefContainer for staff meta-information.
Metadata header component declarations.
perfResName of an instrument on which a performer plays, a performer's voice range, or a standard performing ensemble designation.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
layerDefContainer for layer meta-information.
scoreDefContainer for score meta-information.
staffDefContainer for staff meta-information.

Diatonic transposition requires both trans.diat and trans.semi attributes in order to distinguish the difference, for example, between a transposition from C to C♯ and one from C to D♭.

<classSpec ident="att.transposition" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that describe transposition.</desc>
<attDef ident="trans.diat" usage="opt">
<gloss versionDate="2022-10-18" xml:lang="en">transposition (diatonic)</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Records the amount of diatonic pitch shift,
, C to C♯ = 0, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one.</desc>
<rng:data type="integer"/>
<attDef ident="trans.semi" usage="opt">
<gloss versionDate="2022-10-18" xml:lang="en">transposition (semitones)</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Records the amount of pitch shift in semitones,
, C to C♯ = 1, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one.</desc>
<rng:data type="integer"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>Diatonic transposition requires both <att>trans.diat</att> and <att>trans.semi</att> attributes in order to distinguish the difference, for example, between a transposition from C to C♯ and one from C to D♭.</p>