
Attributes that record time-base information.
ppq(optional)Indicates the number of pulses (sometimes referred to as ticks or divisions) per quarter note. Unlike MIDI, MEI permits different values for a score and individual staves. Value is a positive integer.
ppq(optional)Indicates the number of pulses (sometimes referred to as ticks or divisions) per quarter note. Unlike MIDI, MEI permits different values for a score and individual staves. Value is a positive integer.
MIDI component declarations.
ppq(optional)Indicates the number of pulses (sometimes referred to as ticks or divisions) per quarter note. Unlike MIDI, MEI permits different values for a score and individual staves. Value is a positive integer.
Available at
scoreDefContainer for score meta-information.
staffDefContainer for staff meta-information.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
scoreDefContainer for score meta-information.
staffDefContainer for staff meta-information.
<classSpec ident="att.timeBase" module="MEI.midi" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that record time-base information.</desc>
<attDef ident="ppq" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Indicates the number of pulses (sometimes referred to as ticks or divisions) per quarter note. Unlike MIDI, MEI permits different values for a score and individual staves.</desc>
<rng:data type="positiveInteger"/>