
Visual domain attributes.
bar.len, bar.method,, bar.thru, symbol, visible
bar.len(optional)States the length of bar lines in virtual units. The value must be greater than 0 and is typically equal to 2 times (the number of staff lines - 1); e.g., a value of 8 for a 5-line staff. Value is a decimal number.
bar.method(optional)Records the method of barring. Value conforms to data.BARMETHOD. the staff location of bar lines, if the length is non-standard; that is, not equal to 2 times (the number of staff lines - 1). Value conforms to data.STAFFLOC.
bar.thru(optional)Indicates whether bar lines go across the space between staves (true) or are only drawn across the lines of each staff (false). Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
symbol(optional)Specifies the symbol used to group a set of staves. Allowed values are: "brace" (Curved symbol, , {.), "bracket" (Square symbol, , [, but with curved/angled top and bottom segments.), "bracketsq" (Square symbol, , [, with horizontal top and bottom segments.), "line" (Line symbol, , |, (wide) line without top and bottom curved/horizontal segments.), "none" (Grouping symbol missing.)
visible(optional)Indicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
bar.thru(optional)Indicates whether bar lines go across the space between staves (true) or are only drawn across the lines of each staff (false). Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that capture the placement of bar lines.
bar.len(optional)States the length of bar lines in virtual units. The value must be greater than 0 and is typically equal to 2 times (the number of staff lines - 1); e.g., a value of 8 for a 5-line staff. Value is a decimal number.
bar.method(optional)Records the method of barring. Value conforms to data.BARMETHOD. the staff location of bar lines, if the length is non-standard; that is, not equal to 2 times (the number of staff lines - 1). Value conforms to data.STAFFLOC.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that describe the symbol used to group a set of staves.
symbol(optional)Specifies the symbol used to group a set of staves. Allowed values are: "brace" (Curved symbol, , {.), "bracket" (Square symbol, , [, but with curved/angled top and bottom segments.), "bracketsq" (Square symbol, , [, with horizontal top and bottom segments.), "line" (Line symbol, , |, (wide) line without top and bottom curved/horizontal segments.), "none" (Grouping symbol missing.)
(MEI.shared) Attributes describing whether a feature should be displayed.
visible(optional)Indicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
bar.len(optional)States the length of bar lines in virtual units. The value must be greater than 0 and is typically equal to 2 times (the number of staff lines - 1); e.g., a value of 8 for a 5-line staff. Value is a decimal number.
bar.method(optional)Records the method of barring. Value conforms to data.BARMETHOD. the staff location of bar lines, if the length is non-standard; that is, not equal to 2 times (the number of staff lines - 1). Value conforms to data.STAFFLOC.
symbol(optional)Specifies the symbol used to group a set of staves. Allowed values are: "brace" (Curved symbol, , {.), "bracket" (Square symbol, , [, but with curved/angled top and bottom segments.), "bracketsq" (Square symbol, , [, with horizontal top and bottom segments.), "line" (Line symbol, , |, (wide) line without top and bottom curved/horizontal segments.), "none" (Grouping symbol missing.)
visible(optional)Indicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
Visual component declarations.
bar.thru(optional)Indicates whether bar lines go across the space between staves (true) or are only drawn across the lines of each staff (false). Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
Available at
staffGrpA group of bracketed or braced staves.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
staffGrpA group of bracketed or braced staves.
<classSpec ident="att.staffGrp.vis" module="MEI.visual" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Visual domain attributes.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.barring"/>
<memberOf key="att.staffGroupingSym"/>
<memberOf key="att.visibility"/>
<attDef ident="bar.thru" usage="opt">
<gloss xml:lang="en">bar lines through</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Indicates whether bar lines go across the space between staves (true) or are only drawn across the lines of each staff (false).</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.BOOLEAN"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>This attribute is ignored when the <att>bar.method</att> attribute’s value is