
Logical domain attributes for staffDef in the mensural repertoire.
divisio, modusmaior, modusminor, prolatio, proport.num, proport.numbase, tempus
divisio(optional)Describes the divisions of the breve in use in 14th-century Italy. Value conforms to data.DIVISIO.
modusmaior(optional)Describes the maxima-long relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMAIOR.
modusminor(optional)Describes the long-breve relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMINOR.
prolatio(optional)Describes the semibreve-minim relationship. Value conforms to data.PROLATIO.
proport.num(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.num is for the first value in the ratio. Value is a positive integer.
proport.numbase(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.numbase is for the second value in the ratio. Value is a positive integer.
tempus(optional)Describes the breve-semibreve relationship. Value conforms to data.TEMPUS.
(MEI.mensural) Used by staffDef and scoreDef to provide default values for attributes in the logical domain related to mensuration. The tempus, prolatio, modusmaior, and modusminor attributes (from the att.mensural.shared class) specify the relationship between the four principle levels of note value, , the long, breve, semibreve and minim, in mensural notation. Modusminor describes the long-breve relationship, while tempus describes the breve-semibreve, and prolatio the semibreve-minim relationship, respectively. Modusmaior is for the maxima-long relationship. The proport.* attributes describe augmentation or diminution of the normal value of the notes in mensural notation.
proport.num(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.num is for the first value in the ratio. Value is a positive integer.
proport.numbase(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.numbase is for the second value in the ratio. Value is a positive integer.
(MEI.mensural) Shared attributes in the mensural repertoire.
modusmaior(optional)Describes the maxima-long relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMAIOR.
modusminor(optional)Describes the long-breve relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMINOR.
prolatio(optional)Describes the semibreve-minim relationship. Value conforms to data.PROLATIO.
tempus(optional)Describes the breve-semibreve relationship. Value conforms to data.TEMPUS.
divisio(optional)Describes the divisions of the breve in use in 14th-century Italy. Value conforms to data.DIVISIO.
Mensural repertoire component declarations.
divisio(optional)Describes the divisions of the breve in use in 14th-century Italy. Value conforms to data.DIVISIO.
modusmaior(optional)Describes the maxima-long relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMAIOR.
modusminor(optional)Describes the long-breve relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMINOR.
prolatio(optional)Describes the semibreve-minim relationship. Value conforms to data.PROLATIO.
proport.num(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.num is for the first value in the ratio. Value is a positive integer.
proport.numbase(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.numbase is for the second value in the ratio. Value is a positive integer.
tempus(optional)Describes the breve-semibreve relationship. Value conforms to data.TEMPUS.
Available at
staffDefContainer for staff meta-information.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
staffDefContainer for staff meta-information.
<classSpec ident="att.staffDef.log.mensural" module="MEI.mensural" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Logical domain attributes for staffDef in the mensural repertoire.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.mensural.log"/>