
Attributes that define the characteristics and components of the bibliographic description.
recordtype(optional) Allowed values are: "a" (Language material.), "c" (Notated music.), "d" (Manuscript notated music.), "e" (Non-manuscript cartographic material.), "f" (Manuscript cartographic material.), "g" (Projected medium.), "i" (Nonmusical sound recording.), "j" (Musical sound recording.), "k" (Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.), "m" (Computer file.), "o" (Kit.), "p" (Mixed materials.), "r" (Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.), "t" (Manuscript language material. )
recordtype(optional) Allowed values are: "a" (Language material.), "c" (Notated music.), "d" (Manuscript notated music.), "e" (Non-manuscript cartographic material.), "f" (Manuscript cartographic material.), "g" (Projected medium.), "i" (Nonmusical sound recording.), "j" (Musical sound recording.), "k" (Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.), "m" (Computer file.), "o" (Kit.), "p" (Mixed materials.), "r" (Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.), "t" (Manuscript language material. )
Metadata header component declarations.
recordtype(optional) Allowed values are: "a" (Language material.), "c" (Notated music.), "d" (Manuscript notated music.), "e" (Non-manuscript cartographic material.), "f" (Manuscript cartographic material.), "g" (Projected medium.), "i" (Nonmusical sound recording.), "j" (Musical sound recording.), "k" (Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.), "m" (Computer file.), "o" (Kit.), "p" (Mixed materials.), "r" (Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.), "t" (Manuscript language material. )
Available at
analyticContains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g., an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication.
biblStructContains a bibliographic citation in which bibliographic sub-elements must appear in a specified order.
manifestationA bibliographic description of a physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
monogrContains bibliographic elements describing an item, for example, a published book or journal, score, recording, or an unpublished manuscript.
sourceA bibliographic description of a source used in the creation of the electronic file.
FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) declarations.
manifestationA bibliographic description of a physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
Metadata header component declarations.
sourceA bibliographic description of a source used in the creation of the electronic file.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
analyticContains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g., an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication.
biblStructContains a bibliographic citation in which bibliographic sub-elements must appear in a specified order.
monogrContains bibliographic elements describing an item, for example, a published book or journal, score, recording, or an unpublished manuscript.

The recordtype attribute may be used to determine the appropriateness and validity of certain data elements in the description.

a: Use for non-manuscript language material, including microforms and electronic resources that are basically textual in nature, whether they are reproductions from print or originally produced.

c: Use for printed, microform, or electronic notated music.

d: Use for manuscript notated music or a microform of manuscript music.

e: Use for non-manuscript cartographic material or a microform of non-manuscript cartographic material.

f: Use for manuscript cartographic material or a microform of manuscript cartographic material.

g: Use for motion pictures, videorecordings (including digital video), filmstrips, slide, transparencies or material specifically designed for projection.

i: Use for recordings of nonmusical sounds (e.g., speech).

j: Use for musical sound recording (e.g., phonodiscs, compact discs, or cassette tapes.

k: Use for two-dimensional nonprojectable graphics such as, activity cards, charts, collages, computer graphics, digital pictures, drawings, duplication masters, flash cards, paintings, photo CDs, photomechanical reproductions, photonegatives, photoprints, pictures, postcards, posters, prints, spirit masters, study prints, technical drawings, transparency masters, and reproductions of any of these.

m: Use for computer software (including programs, games, fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g., language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file.

o: Use for a mixture of various components issued as a unit and intended primarily for instructional purposes where no one item is the predominant component of the kit. Examples are packages of assorted materials, such as a set of school social studies curriculum material (books, workbooks, guides, activities, etc.), or packages of educational test materials (tests, answer sheets, scoring guides, score charts, interpretative manuals, etc.).

p: Use for materials in two or more forms that are usually related by virtue of their having been accumulated by or about a person or body. Includes archival fonds and manuscript collections of mixed forms of materials, such as text, photographs, and sound recordings. Intended primary purpose is other than for instructional purposes (i.e., materials coded as "o").

r: Includes man-made objects such as models, dioramas, games, puzzles, simulations, sculptures and other three-dimensional art works, exhibits, machines, clothing, toys, and stitchery. Also includes naturally occurring objects such as, microscope specimens (or representations of them) and other specimens mounted for viewing.

t: This category is applied to items for language material in handwriting, typescript, or computer printout including printed materials completed by hand or by keyboard or a microform of these categories. At the time it is created, this material is usually intended, either implicitly or explicitly, to exist as a single instance. Examples include marked or corrected galley and page proofs, manuscript books, legal papers, and unpublished theses and dissertations.

<classSpec ident="att.recordType" type="atts" module="MEI.header">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that define the characteristics and components of the bibliographic description.</desc>
<attDef ident="recordtype" usage="opt">
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="a">
<desc xml:lang="en">Language material.</desc>
<valItem ident="c">
<desc xml:lang="en">Notated music.</desc>
<valItem ident="d">
<desc xml:lang="en">Manuscript notated music.</desc>
<valItem ident="e">
<desc xml:lang="en">Non-manuscript cartographic material.</desc>
<valItem ident="f">
<desc xml:lang="en">Manuscript cartographic material.</desc>
<valItem ident="g">
<desc xml:lang="en">Projected medium.</desc>
<valItem ident="i">
<desc xml:lang="en">Nonmusical sound recording.</desc>
<valItem ident="j">
<desc xml:lang="en">Musical sound recording.</desc>
<valItem ident="k">
<desc xml:lang="en">Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.</desc>
<valItem ident="m">
<desc xml:lang="en">Computer file.</desc>
<valItem ident="o">
<desc xml:lang="en">Kit.</desc>
<valItem ident="p">
<desc xml:lang="en">Mixed materials.</desc>
<valItem ident="r">
<desc xml:lang="en">Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.</desc>
<valItem ident="t">
<desc xml:lang="en">Manuscript language material. </desc>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The <att>recordtype</att> attribute may be used to determine the appropriateness and validity of certain data elements in the description.</p>
<list type="gloss">
<head>Code Descriptions</head>
<item>Use for non-manuscript language material, including microforms and electronic resources that are basically textual in nature, whether they are reproductions from print or originally produced.</item>
<item>Use for printed, microform, or electronic notated music.</item>
<item>Use for manuscript notated music or a microform of manuscript music.</item>
<item>Use for non-manuscript cartographic material or a microform of non-manuscript cartographic material.</item>
<item>Use for manuscript cartographic material or a microform of manuscript cartographic material.</item>
<item>Use for motion pictures, videorecordings (including digital video), filmstrips, slide, transparencies or material specifically designed for projection.</item>
<item>Use for recordings of nonmusical sounds (
, speech).</item>
<item>Use for musical sound recording (
, phonodiscs, compact discs, or cassette tapes.</item>
<item>Use for two-dimensional nonprojectable graphics such as, activity cards, charts, collages, computer graphics, digital pictures, drawings, duplication masters, flash cards, paintings, photo CDs, photomechanical reproductions, photonegatives, photoprints, pictures, postcards, posters, prints, spirit masters, study prints, technical drawings, transparency masters, and reproductions of any of these.</item>
<item>Use for computer software (including programs, games, fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (
, language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file.</item>
<item>Use for a mixture of various components issued as a unit and intended primarily for instructional purposes where no one item is the predominant component of the kit. Examples are packages of assorted materials, such as a set of school social studies curriculum material (books, workbooks, guides, activities, etc.), or packages of educational test materials (tests, answer sheets, scoring guides, score charts, interpretative manuals, etc.).</item>
<item>Use for materials in two or more forms that are usually related by virtue of their having been accumulated by or about a person or body. Includes archival fonds and manuscript collections of mixed forms of materials, such as text, photographs, and sound recordings. Intended primary purpose is other than for instructional purposes (
, materials coded as "o").</item>
<item>Includes man-made objects such as models, dioramas, games, puzzles, simulations, sculptures and other three-dimensional art works, exhibits, machines, clothing, toys, and stitchery. Also includes naturally occurring objects such as, microscope specimens (or representations of them) and other specimens mounted for viewing. </item>
<item>This category is applied to items for language material in handwriting, typescript, or computer printout including printed materials completed by hand or by keyboard or a microform of these categories. At the time it is created, this material is usually intended, either implicitly or explicitly, to exist as a single instance. Examples include marked or corrected galley and page proofs, manuscript books, legal papers, and unpublished theses and dissertations.</item>