
Attributes that record written pitch name.
pname(optional)Contains a written pitch name. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.
pname(optional)Contains a written pitch name. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
pname(optional)Contains a written pitch name. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.
Available at
keyKey captures information about tonal center and mode.
keySigWritten key signature.
chordMemberAn individual pitch in a chord defined by a chordDef element.
ambNoteHighest or lowest pitch in a score, staff, or layer.
custosSymbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct".
keyAccidAccidental in a key signature.
noteA single pitched event.
courseDescribes the tuning of a course on a stringed instrument (e.g., guitar, lute).
stringUsed to modify tuning information given by the course element. Describes the tuning of an individual string within a course on a stringed instrument (e.g., guitar, lute).
Harmony component declarations.
chordMemberAn individual pitch in a chord defined by a chordDef element.
Metadata header component declarations.
keyKey captures information about tonal center and mode.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
ambNoteHighest or lowest pitch in a score, staff, or layer.
custosSymbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct".
keyAccidAccidental in a key signature.
keySigWritten key signature.
noteA single pitched event.
Tablature component declarations.
courseDescribes the tuning of a course on a stringed instrument (e.g., guitar, lute).
stringUsed to modify tuning information given by the course element. Describes the tuning of an individual string within a course on a stringed instrument (e.g., guitar, lute).
<classSpec ident="att.pitch" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that record written pitch name.</desc>
<attDef ident="pname" usage="opt">
<gloss versionDate="2022-10-18" xml:lang="en">pitch name</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Contains a written pitch name.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.PITCHNAME"/>