
Attributes that record tempo in terms of beats per minute.
mm, mm.dots, mm.unit
mm(optional)Used to describe tempo in terms of beats (often the meter signature denominator) per minute, ala M.M. (Maelzel’s Metronome). Do not confuse this attribute with midi.bpm or midi.mspb. In MIDI, a beat is always defined as a quarter note, *not the numerator of the time signature or the metronomic indication*. Value conforms to data.TEMPOVALUE.
mm.dots(optional)Records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted metronome unit. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
mm.unit(optional)Captures the metronomic unit. Value conforms to data.DURATION.
mm(optional)Used to describe tempo in terms of beats (often the meter signature denominator) per minute, ala M.M. (Maelzel’s Metronome). Do not confuse this attribute with midi.bpm or midi.mspb. In MIDI, a beat is always defined as a quarter note, *not the numerator of the time signature or the metronomic indication*. Value conforms to data.TEMPOVALUE.
mm.unit(optional)Captures the metronomic unit. Value conforms to data.DURATION.
mm.dots(optional)Records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted metronome unit. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
mm(optional)Used to describe tempo in terms of beats (often the meter signature denominator) per minute, ala M.M. (Maelzel’s Metronome). Do not confuse this attribute with midi.bpm or midi.mspb. In MIDI, a beat is always defined as a quarter note, *not the numerator of the time signature or the metronomic indication*. Value conforms to data.TEMPOVALUE.
mm.dots(optional)Records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted metronome unit. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
mm.unit(optional)Captures the metronomic unit. Value conforms to data.DURATION.
Available at
scoreDefContainer for score meta-information.
tempoText and symbols descriptive of tempo, mood, or style, e.g., "allarg.", "a tempo", "cantabile", "Moderato", "♩=60", "Moderato ♩ =60").
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
scoreDefContainer for score meta-information.
tempoText and symbols descriptive of tempo, mood, or style, e.g., "allarg.", "a tempo", "cantabile", "Moderato", "♩=60", "Moderato ♩ =60").
<classSpec ident="att.mmTempo" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that record tempo in terms of beats per minute.</desc>
<attDef ident="mm" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Used to describe tempo in terms of beats (often the meter signature denominator) per minute, ala M.M. (Maelzel’s Metronome). Do not confuse this attribute with midi.bpm or midi.mspb. In MIDI, a beat is always defined as a quarter note, *not the numerator of the time signature or the metronomic indication*.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.TEMPOVALUE"/>
<attDef ident="mm.unit" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Captures the metronomic unit.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.DURATION"/>
<attDef ident="mm.dots" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted metronome unit.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.AUGMENTDOT"/>