
Attributes that record MIDI values.
val(optional)MIDI number. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE.
val(optional)MIDI number. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE.
MIDI component declarations.
val(optional)MIDI number. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE.
Available at
ccMIDI parameter/control change.
dynamIndication of the volume of a note, phrase, or section of music.
hairpinIndicates continuous dynamics expressed on the score as wedge-shaped graphics, e.g., < and >.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
hairpinIndicates continuous dynamics expressed on the score as wedge-shaped graphics, e.g., < and >.
MIDI component declarations.
ccMIDI parameter/control change.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
dynamIndication of the volume of a note, phrase, or section of music.
<classSpec ident="att.midiValue" module="MEI.midi" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that record MIDI values.</desc>
<attDef ident="val" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">MIDI number.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.MIDIVALUE"/>