
Analytical domain attributes.
form, inth
form(optional)Indicates to what degree the harmonic label is supported by the notation. Allowed values are: "explicit" (The notation contains all the notes necessary for the harmonic label, , the notes "D F♯ A" for the harmonic label "D".), "implied" (The harmonic label relies on notes implied, but not actually present, in the notation, , the notes "D F♯ C" for the harmonic label "D7". The note "A" is missing from the notation, but can be implied.)
inth(optional)Encodes the harmonic interval between pitches occurring at the same time. One or more values from data.INTERVAL.HARMONIC, separated by spaces.
form(optional)Indicates to what degree the harmonic label is supported by the notation. Allowed values are: "explicit" (The notation contains all the notes necessary for the harmonic label, , the notes "D F♯ A" for the harmonic label "D".), "implied" (The harmonic label relies on notes implied, but not actually present, in the notation, , the notes "D F♯ C" for the harmonic label "D7". The note "A" is missing from the notation, but can be implied.)
(MEI.analytical) Attributes that describe harmonic intervals.
inth(optional)Encodes the harmonic interval between pitches occurring at the same time. One or more values from data.INTERVAL.HARMONIC, separated by spaces.
Analytical component declarations.
form(optional)Indicates to what degree the harmonic label is supported by the notation. Allowed values are: "explicit" (The notation contains all the notes necessary for the harmonic label, , the notes "D F♯ A" for the harmonic label "D".), "implied" (The harmonic label relies on notes implied, but not actually present, in the notation, , the notes "D F♯ C" for the harmonic label "D7". The note "A" is missing from the notation, but can be implied.)
inth(optional)Encodes the harmonic interval between pitches occurring at the same time. One or more values from data.INTERVAL.HARMONIC, separated by spaces.
Available at
harmAn indication of harmony, e.g., chord names, tablature grids, harmonic analysis, figured bass.
Harmony component declarations.
harmAn indication of harmony, e.g., chord names, tablature grids, harmonic analysis, figured bass.
<classSpec ident="att.harm.anl" module="MEI.analytical" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Analytical domain attributes.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.intervalHarmonic"/>
<attDef ident="form" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Indicates to what degree the harmonic label is supported by the notation.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="explicit">
<desc xml:lang="en">The notation contains all the notes necessary for the harmonic label,
, the notes "D F♯ A" for the harmonic label "D".</desc>
<valItem ident="implied">
<desc xml:lang="en">The harmonic label relies on notes implied, but not actually present, in the notation,
, the notes "D F♯ C" for the harmonic label "D7". The note "A" is missing from the notation, but can be implied.</desc>