
Attribute that expresses duration for a given mensural note symbol.
dur.quality(recommended)Encodes the durational quality of a mensural note using the values provided by the data.DURQUALITY.mensural datatype (i.e., the perfect / imperfect / altered / major / minor / duplex quality of a note). Value conforms to data.DURQUALITY.mensural.
dur.quality(recommended)Encodes the durational quality of a mensural note using the values provided by the data.DURQUALITY.mensural datatype (i.e., the perfect / imperfect / altered / major / minor / duplex quality of a note). Value conforms to data.DURQUALITY.mensural.
Mensural repertoire component declarations.
dur.quality(recommended)Encodes the durational quality of a mensural note using the values provided by the data.DURQUALITY.mensural datatype (i.e., the perfect / imperfect / altered / major / minor / duplex quality of a note). Value conforms to data.DURQUALITY.mensural.
Available at
spaceA placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure.
noteA single pitched event.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
noteA single pitched event.
spaceA placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure.

Duplex quality can only be used with longas (in Ars antiqua).
Maior / minor quality can only be used with semibreves (in Ars antiqua).

<classSpec ident="att.duration.quality" module="MEI.mensural" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attribute that expresses duration for a given mensural note symbol.</desc>
<constraintSpec ident="check_duplex_quality" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="(mei:note|mei:space)[@dur.quality='duplex']">
<sch:assert test="@dur='longa'"> Duplex quality can only be used with longas (in Ars antiqua). </sch:assert>
<constraintSpec ident="check_maiorminor_quality" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="(mei:note|mei:space)[@dur.quality='maior' or @dur.quality='minor']">
<sch:assert test="@dur='semibrevis'"> Maior / minor quality can only be used with semibreves (in Ars antiqua). </sch:assert>
<attDef ident="dur.quality" usage="rec">
<desc xml:lang="en">Encodes the durational quality of a mensural note using the values provided by the data.DURQUALITY.mensural datatype (
, the perfect / imperfect / altered / major / minor / duplex quality of a note).</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.DURQUALITY.mensural"/>