The model of this element is based on the teiCorpus element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The MEI instances making up the corpus may be related in a number of ways, for example, by composer, by similar instrumentation, by holding institution, etc. This element’s name should not be changed in order to assure an absolute minimum level of MEI compliance.
<elementSpec ident="meiCorpus" module="MEI.corpus">
<gloss versionDate="2022-05-18" xml:lang="en">MEI corpus</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">A group of related MEI documents, consisting of a header for the group, and
one or more
<gi scheme="MEI">mei</gi> elements, each with its own complete header.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.meiVersion"/>
<memberOf key="model.startLike.corpus"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The model of this element is based on the <ref target="">teiCorpus</ref> element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The MEI instances making up the corpus
may be related in a number of ways, for
example, by composer, by similar instrumentation, by holding institution, etc. This
element’s name should not be changed in order to assure an absolute minimum level
of MEI