Captures text rendered in the center of the notehead.
Used by
These other Data Types reference data.NOTEHEADMODIFIER.pat
data.NOTEHEADMODIFIERCaptures any notehead "modifiers"; that is, symbols added to the notehead, such as
slashes, lines, text, and enclosures, etc.
<macroSpec ident="data.NOTEHEADMODIFIER.pat" module="MEI" type="dt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Captures text rendered in the center of the notehead.</desc>
<rng:data type="string">
<rng:param name="pattern">centertext\((A|B|C|D|E|F|G)(f|♭|n|♮|s|♯)?\)
<rng:data type="string">
<rng:param name="pattern">centertext\(H(s|♯)?\)</rng:param>