Relative size of symbol that may begin/end a line.
Used by
These class-based attributes use data.FONTSIZESCALE
att.lineRend/@lendsym.sizeHolds the relative size of the line-end symbol.
att.lineRend/@lstartsym.sizeHolds the relative size of the line-start symbol.
att.arpeg.vis/@arrow.sizeHolds the relative size of the arrow symbol.
att.line.vis/@endsym.sizeHolds the relative size of the line-end symbol.
att.line.vis/@startsym.sizeHolds the relative size of the line-start symbol.
<macroSpec ident="data.FONTSIZESCALE" module="MEI" type="dt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Relative size of symbol that may begin/end a line.</desc>
<rng:data type="integer">
<rng:param name="minInclusive">1</rng:param>
<rng:param name="maxInclusive">9</rng:param>