Boolean attribute values.
Used by
These local attributes use data.BOOLEAN
manifestationA bibliographic description of a physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
singletonIndicates the manifestation is a unique physical object.
genDescBundles information about the textual development of a work.
orderedWhen set to "true" the child elements are known to be in chronological order. When set to "false" or when not provided, the order of child elements is unknown.
domainsDeclIndicates which domains are included in the encoding.
handDefines a distinct scribe or handwriting style.
initialMarks this hand as the first one of the document.
These class-based attributes use data.BOOLEAN
att.beaming.log/@beam.restsIndicates whether automatically-drawn beams should include rests shorter than a quarter note duration.
att.beamRend/@slashIndicates presence of slash through the beam.
att.expandable/@expandIndicates whether to render a repeat symbol or the source material to which it refers. A value of 'true' renders the source material, while 'false' displays the repeat symbol.
att.hairpin.log/@nienteIndicates that the hairpin starts from or ends in silence. Often rendered as a small circle attached to the closed end of the hairpin. See Gould, p. 108.
att.lvPresent/@lvIndicates the attachment of an l.v. (laissez vibrer) sign to this element.
att.numberPlacement/@num.visibleDetermines if the tuplet number is visible.
att.mordent.log/@longWhen set to 'true', a double or long mordent, sometimes called a "pincé double", consisting of 5 notes, is indicated.
att.turn.log/@delayedWhen set to 'true', the turn begins on the second half of the beat.
att.geneticState/@instantThe @instant attribute is syntactic sugar for classifying a scribal intervention as an ad-hoc modification; that is, one which does not interrupt the writing process.
att.attacking/@attaccaIndicates that the performance of the next musical division should begin immediately following this one.
att.perfRes/@soloUse this attribute to identify the performance resource as a soloist especially in an accompanied work, such as a concerto or vocal solo.
att.adlibitum/@adlibMarks a performance resource as ad libitum (optional).
att.ncForm/@hookedPen stroke has an extension; specific to Hispanic notation.
att.ncForm/@ligatedIndicates participation in a ligature.
att.clef.log/@cautionaryRecords the function of the clef. A "cautionary" clef does not change the following pitches.
att.coloration/@coloredIndicates this feature is 'colored'; that is, it is a participant in a change in rhythmic values. In mensural notation, coloration is indicated by colored notes (red, black, etc.) where void notes would otherwise occur. In CMN, coloration is indicated by an inverse color; that is, the note head is void when it would otherwise be filled and vice versa.
att.extender/@extenderIndicates the presence of an extension symbol, typically a line.
att.measureNumbers/@mnum.visibleIndicates whether measure numbers should be displayed. the relationship between the content of a measure and the prevailing meter. whether or not a bar line is "controlling"; that is, if it indicates a point of alignment across all the parts. Bar lines within a score are usually controlling; that is, they "line up". Bar lines within parts may or may not be controlling. When applied to measure, this attribute indicates the nature of the right bar line but not the left.
att.multinumMeasures/@multi.numberIndicates whether programmatically calculated counts of multiple measures of rest (mRest) and whole measure repeats (mRpt) in parts should be rendered.
att.noteHeads/@head.visibleIndicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form.
att.oneLineStaff/@onthelineDetermines the placement of notes on a 1-line staff. A value of 'true' places all notes on the line, while a value of 'false' places stems-up notes above the line and stems-down notes below the line.
att.optimization/@optimizeIndicates whether staves without notes, rests, etc. should be displayed. When the value is 'true', empty staves are displayed.
att.placementOnStaff/@onstaffIndicates the placement of the item within the staff. A value of 'true' means on the staff, and 'false' off the staff.
att.stems/@stem.visibleDetermines whether a stem should be displayed. whether the system starts with a continuous line connecting all staves, including single-staff systems. Do not confuse this with the heavy vertical line used as a grouping symbol.
att.visibility/@visibleIndicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form.
att.arpeg.vis/@arrowIndicates if an arrowhead is to be drawn as part of the arpeggiation symbol.
att.cleffing.vis/@clef.visibleDetermines whether the clef is to be displayed.
att.guitarGrid.vis/@grid.showDetermines whether to display guitar chord grids.
att.hairpin.vis/@closedApplies to a "Rossini" hairpin, i.e., one where the normally open side is closed by a connecting line.
att.hairpin.vis/@opening.verticalIndicates that the opening points are aligned with an imaginary line that is always 90° perpendicular to the horizontal plane, regardless of any angle or start/end adjustments, including when the hairpin is angled with @angle.optimize or through @endvo/@startvo adjustments.
att.hairpin.vis/@angle.optimizeIndicates that the slope of the hairpin can be adjusted to follow the content in order to optimize spacing.
att.keySigDefault.vis/@keysig.visibleDetermines whether the key signature is to be displayed.
att.liquescent.vis/@loopedIndicates whether curve is closed.
att.mensur.vis/@dotSpecifies whether a dot is to be added to the base symbol.
att.mensural.vis/@mensur.dotDetermines if a dot is to be added to the base symbol.
att.meterSigDefault.vis/@meter.showchangeDetermines whether the old meter signature should be displayed when the meter signature changes.
att.meterSigDefault.vis/@meter.visibleDetermines whether the meter signature is to be displayed.
att.multiRest.vis/@blockThe block attribute controls whether the multimeasure rest should be rendered as a block rest or as church rests ("Kirchenpausen"), that are combinations of longa, breve and semibreve rests.
att.section.vis/@restartIndicates that staves begin again with this section. whether a space is 'compressible', i.e., if it may be removed at the discretion of processing software.
att.staffDef.vis/@lines.visibleRecords whether all staff lines are visible.
att.staffGrp.vis/@bar.thruIndicates whether bar lines go across the space between staves (true) or are only drawn across the lines of each staff (false).
att.tuplet.vis/@bracket.visibleStates whether a bracket should be rendered with a tuplet.
att.tuplet.vis/@dur.visibleDetermines if the tuplet duration is visible.
Allowed Values
<macroSpec ident="data.BOOLEAN" module="MEI" type="dt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Boolean attribute values.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="true">
<desc xml:lang="en">True.</desc>
<valItem ident="false">
<desc xml:lang="en">False.</desc>