Visual and performance information for a repeated beat symbol.
Used by
These class-based attributes use data.BEATRPT.REND
att.beatRpt.vis/@slashIndicates the number of slashes required to render the appropriate beat repeat symbol. When a single beat consisting of a single note or chord is repeated, the repetition symbol is a single thick, slanting slash; therefore, the value 1 should be used. When the beat is divided into even notes, the following values should be used: 4ths or 8ths=1, 16ths=2, 32nds=3, 64ths=4, 128ths=5. When the beat is comprised of mixed duration values, the default rendition is 2 slashes and 2 dots.
<macroSpec ident="data.BEATRPT.REND" module="MEI" type="dt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Visual and performance information for a repeated beat symbol.</desc>
<rng:data type="positiveInteger">
<rng:param name="pattern">1|2|3|4|5</rng:param>
<rng:data type="token">
<rng:param name="pattern">mixed</rng:param>