Logical domain attributes for scoreDef in the CMN repertoire. The values set in these attributes act as score-wide defaults for attributes that are not set in descendant elements. | |
Module | MEI.shared |
Members |
scoreDef (direct member of att.scoreDef.log)
Attributes |
@beam.group(optional)Provides an example of how automated beaming (including secondary beams) is to be
Value of datatype string.
@beam.rests(optional)Indicates whether automatically-drawn beams should include rests shorter than a
quarter note duration.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@clef.dis(optional)Records the amount of octave displacement to be applied to the clef.
Value conforms to data.OCTAVE.DIS.
@clef.dis.place(optional)Records the direction of octave displacement to be applied to the clef.
Value conforms to data.PLACE.
@clef.line(optional)Contains a default value for the position of the clef. The value must be in the
range between 1 and the number of lines on the staff. The numbering of lines starts
the lowest line of the staff.
Value conforms to data.CLEFLINE.
@clef.shape(optional)Encodes a value for the clef symbol.
Value conforms to data.CLEFSHAPE.
@dur.default(optional)Contains a default duration in those situations when the first note, rest, chord,
etc. in a measure does not have a duration specified.
Value conforms to data.DURATION.
@key.accid(optional)Contains an accidental for the tonic key, if one is required, e.g., if key.pname
equals 'c' and key.accid equals 's', then a tonic of C# is indicated.
Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.IMPLICIT.
@key.mode(optional)Indicates major, minor, or other tonality.
Value conforms to data.MODE.
@key.pname(optional)Holds the pitch name of the tonic key, e.g. 'c' for the key of C.
Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.
@key.sig(optional)Indicates where the key lies in the circle of fifths.
Value conforms to data.KEYSIGNATURE.
@key.sig.mixed(optional)Mixed key signatures, e.g. those consisting of a mixture of flats and sharps (Read,
p. 143, ex. 9-39), and key signatures with unorthodox placement of the accidentals
(Read, p. 141) must be indicated by setting the key.sig attribute to 'mixed' and
providing explicit key signature information in the key.sig.mixed attribute or in
<keySig> element. It is intended that key.sig.mixed contain a series of tokens
with each token containing pitch name, accidental, and octave, such as 'a4 c5s e5f'
indicate what key accidentals should be rendered and where they should be placed.
One or more values from data.KEYSIGTOKEN, separated by spaces.
@mensur.dot(optional)Determines if a dot is to be added to the base symbol.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@mensur.sign(optional)The base symbol in the mensuration sign/time signature of mensural notation.
Value conforms to data.MENSURATIONSIGN.
@mensur.slash(optional)Indicates the number lines added to the mensuration sign. For example, one slash is
added for what we now call 'alla breve'.
Value of datatype positiveInteger.
@meter.count(optional)Captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter
signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates
a decimal number, such as 2+3.
Value of datatype
a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.\d+)?(\s*\+\s*\d+(\.\d+)?)*"
@meter.unit(optional)Contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the
meter signature.
Value of datatype decimal.
@modusmaior(optional)Describes the maxima-long relationship.
Value conforms to data.MODUSMAIOR.
@modusminor(optional)Describes the long-breve relationship.
Value conforms to data.MODUSMINOR.
@num.default(optional)Along with numbase.default, describes the default duration as a ratio. num.default
is the first value in the ratio.
Value of datatype positiveInteger.
@numbase.default(optional)Along with num.default, describes the default duration as a ratio. numbase.default
is the second value in the ratio.
Value of datatype positiveInteger.
@octave.default(optional)Contains a default octave specification for use when the first note, rest, chord,
etc. in a measure does not have an octave value specified.
Value conforms to data.OCTAVE.
@prolatio(optional)Describes the semibreve-minim relationship.
Value conforms to data.PROLATIO.
@proport.num(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio,
e.g., 1:3. Proport.num is for the first value in the ratio.
Value of datatype positiveInteger.
@proport.numbase(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio,
e.g., 1:3. Proport.numbase is for the second value in the ratio.
Value of datatype positiveInteger.
@tempus(optional)Describes the breve-semibreve relationship.
Value conforms to data.TEMPUS.
@trans.diat(optional)Records the amount of diatonic pitch shift, e.g., C to C♯ = 0, C to D♭ = 1,
necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one.
Value of datatype decimal.
@trans.semi(optional)Records the amount of pitch shift in semitones, e.g., C to C♯ = 1, C to D♭ = 1,
necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one.
Value of datatype decimal.
Declaration |