
Visual domain attributes.
Module MEI.lyrics
lyrics (direct member of att.lyrics.vis)
@fontfam(optional)Contains the name of a font-family. Value conforms to data.FONTFAMILY. att.typography
@fontname(optional)Holds the name of a font. Value conforms to data.FONTNAME. att.typography
@fontsize(optional)Indicates the size of a font expressed in printers' points, i.e., 1/72nd of an inch, relative terms, e.g., "small", "larger", etc., or percentage values relative to "normal" size, e.g., "125%". Value conforms to data.FONTSIZE. att.typography
@fontstyle(optional)Records the style of a font, i.e, italic, oblique, or normal. Value conforms to data.FONTSTYLE. att.typography
@fontweight(optional)Used to indicate bold type. Value conforms to data.FONTWEIGHT. att.typography
@place(optional)Captures the placement of the item with respect to the staff with which it is associated. Value conforms to data.STAFFREL. att.placement
<memberOf key="att.placement"/>
<memberOf key="att.typography"/>