
Visual domain attributes.
Module MEI.shared
layerDef (direct member of att.layerDef.vis)
@beam.color(optional)Color of beams, including those associated with tuplets. Value conforms to data.COLOR. att.beaming.vis
@beam.rend(optional)Encodes whether a beam is "feathered" and in which direction. Allowed values are: "acc" (Beam lines grow farther apart from left to right.), "rit" (Beam lines grow closer together from left to right.), "norm" (Beam lines are equally-spaced over the entire length of the beam.)att.beaming.vis
@beam.slope(optional)Captures beam slope. Value of datatype decimal. att.beaming.vis
@label.abbr(optional)Provides a label for a group of staves on pages after the first page. Usually, this label takes an abbreviated form. Value of datatype string. att.labels.addl
@text.fam(optional)Provides a default value for the font family name of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. Value conforms to data.FONTFAMILY. att.textstyle a default value for the font name of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. Value conforms to data.FONTNAME. att.textstyle
@text.size(optional)Provides a default value for the font size of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZE. att.textstyle a default value for the font style of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. Value conforms to data.FONTSTYLE. att.textstyle
@text.weight(optional)Provides a default value for the font weight for text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. Value conforms to data.FONTWEIGHT. att.textstyle
@visible(optional)Indicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN. att.visibility
<memberOf key="att.labels.addl"/>
<memberOf key="att.beaming.vis"/>
<memberOf key="att.textstyle"/>
<memberOf key="att.visibility"/>