Visual domain attributes. | |
Module | MEI.cmn |
Members |
beam (direct member of att.beam.vis)
beamSpan (via att.beamSpan.vis)
Attributes |
@color(optional)Used to indicate visual appearance. Do not confuse this with the musical term
'color' as used in pre-CMN notation.
Value conforms to data.COLOR.
@form(optional)Captures whether a beam is "feathered" and in which direction.
Allowed values are:
"acc" ((accelerando) indicates that the secondary beams get progressively closer
together toward the end of the beam.), "mixed" ((mixed acc and rit) for beams that are "feathered" in both directions.), "rit" ((ritardando) means that the secondary beams become progressively more distant
toward the end of the beam.), "norm" ((normal) indicates that the secondary beams are equidistant along the course of
the beam.)att.beamrend
Declaration |