
(physical description) – Container for information about the appearance, construction, or handling of physical materials, such as their dimension, quantity, color, style, and technique of creation.
analog, class, copyof, corresp, follows, label, n, next, precedes, prev, resp, sameas, synch, type, xml:base, xml:id
analog(optional)Contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. Value is plain text.
class(optional)Contains one or more URIs which denote classification terms that apply to the entity bearing this attribute. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
copyof(optional)Points to an element of which the current element is a copy. Value conforms to data.URI.
corresp(optional)Used to point to other elements that correspond to this one in a generic fashion. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
follows(optional)points to one or more events in a user-defined collection that are known to be predecessors of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
label(optional)Captures text to be used to generate a label for the element to which it’s attached, a "tool tip" or prefatory text, for example. Should not be used to record document content. Value is plain text.
n(optional)Provides a number-like designation that indicates an element’s position in a sequence of similar elements. May not contain space characters. Value conforms to data.WORD.
next(optional)Used to point to the next event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
precedes(optional)Points to one or more events in a user-defined collection that are known to be successors of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
prev(optional)Points to the previous event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
resp(optional)Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some aspect of the text’s transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
sameas(optional)Points to an element that is the same as the current element but is not a literal copy of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
synch(optional)Points to elements that are synchronous with the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
type(optional)Designation which characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology that employs single-token labels. One or more values of datatype NMTOKEN, separated by spaces.
xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI.
xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value is a valid xml:id.
(MEI.shared) Attributes common to many elements.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that form the basis of the att.common class.
xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that uniquely identify an element.
xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value is a valid xml:id.
label(optional)Captures text to be used to generate a label for the element to which it’s attached, a "tool tip" or prefatory text, for example. Should not be used to record document content. Value is plain text.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that specify element-to-element relationships.
copyof(optional)Points to an element of which the current element is a copy. Value conforms to data.URI.
corresp(optional)Used to point to other elements that correspond to this one in a generic fashion. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
follows(optional)points to one or more events in a user-defined collection that are known to be predecessors of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
next(optional)Used to point to the next event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
precedes(optional)Points to one or more events in a user-defined collection that are known to be successors of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
prev(optional)Points to the previous event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
sameas(optional)Points to an element that is the same as the current element but is not a literal copy of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
synch(optional)Points to elements that are synchronous with the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
(MEI.shared) Attributes used to supply a number-like designation for an element.
n(optional)Provides a number-like designation that indicates an element’s position in a sequence of similar elements. May not contain space characters. Value conforms to data.WORD.
(MEI.shared) Attributes capturing information regarding responsibility for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding.
resp(optional)Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some aspect of the text’s transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
(MEI.shared) Attributes which can be used to classify features.
type(optional)Designation which characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology that employs single-token labels. One or more values of datatype NMTOKEN, separated by spaces.
(MEI.shared) Attributes which can be used to classify features.
class(optional)Contains one or more URIs which denote classification terms that apply to the entity bearing this attribute. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
(MEI.shared) Bibliographic attributes.
analog(optional)Contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. Value is plain text.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
analog(optional)Contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. Value is plain text.
class(optional)Contains one or more URIs which denote classification terms that apply to the entity bearing this attribute. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
copyof(optional)Points to an element of which the current element is a copy. Value conforms to data.URI.
corresp(optional)Used to point to other elements that correspond to this one in a generic fashion. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
follows(optional)points to one or more events in a user-defined collection that are known to be predecessors of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
label(optional)Captures text to be used to generate a label for the element to which it’s attached, a "tool tip" or prefatory text, for example. Should not be used to record document content. Value is plain text.
n(optional)Provides a number-like designation that indicates an element’s position in a sequence of similar elements. May not contain space characters. Value conforms to data.WORD.
next(optional)Used to point to the next event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
precedes(optional)Points to one or more events in a user-defined collection that are known to be successors of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
prev(optional)Points to the previous event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
resp(optional)Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some aspect of the text’s transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
sameas(optional)Points to an element that is the same as the current element but is not a literal copy of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
synch(optional)Points to elements that are synchronous with the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
type(optional)Designation which characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology that employs single-token labels. One or more values of datatype NMTOKEN, separated by spaces.
xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI.
xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value is a valid xml:id.
Member of
(physDesc isn't member of any model class)
Contained By
itemSingle instance or exemplar of a source/manifestation.
(MEI.header) Groups manifestation- and item-specific elements that may appear as part of a bibliographic description.
manifestationA bibliographic description of a physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) declarations.
itemSingle instance or exemplar of a source/manifestation.
manifestationA bibliographic description of a physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
May Contain
(MEI.header) Groups elements that may appear as part of the physical description of a bibliographic item.
accMatHolds a description of any additional material bound with an item, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments.
addDescProvides a description of significant additions found within an item, such as marginalia or other annotations.
bindingDescDescribes the present and former bindings of an item.
captureModeThe means used to record notation, sound, or images in the production of a source/manifestation (e.g., analogue, acoustic, electric, digital, optical etc.).
carrierFormThe specific class of material to which the physical carrier of the source/manifestation belongs (e.g., sound cassette, videodisc, microfilm cartridge, transparency, etc.). The carrier for a manifestation comprising multiple physical components may include more than one form (e.g., a filmstrip with an accompanying booklet, a separate sound disc carrying the sound track for a film, etc.).
catchwordsDescribes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up an item, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page.
colophonContains a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the item.
conditionThe physical condition of an item, particularly any variances between the physical make-up of the item and that of other copies of the same item (e.g., missing pages or plates, brittleness, faded images, etc.).
decoDescContains a description of the decoration of an item.
dimensionsInformation about the physical size of an entity; usually includes numerical data.
explicitContains the explicit of a manuscript item; that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it.
extentUsed to express size in terms other than physical dimensions, such as number of pages, records, bytes, physical components, etc.
fileCharStandards or schemes used to encode the file (e.g., ASCII, SGML, etc.), physical characteristics of the file (e.g., recording density, parity, blocking, etc.), and other characteristics that have a bearing on how the file can be processed.
foliaDescDescribes the order of folia and bifolia making up the text block of a manuscript or print.
handListContainer for one or more hand elements.
heraldryContains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc.
historyProvides a container for information about the history of a resource other than the circumstances of its creation.
inscriptionAn inscription added to an item, such as a bookplate, a note designating the item as a gift, and/or the author’s signature.
layoutDescCollects layout descriptions.
perfDurationUsed to express the duration of performance of printed or manuscript music or the playing time for a sound recording, videorecording, etc.
physMediumRecords the physical materials used in the source, such as ink and paper.
plateNumDesignation assigned to a resource by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page.
playingSpeedPlaying speed for a sound recording is the speed at which the carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended (e.g., 33 1/3 rpm, 19 cm/s, etc.).
rubricContains a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning or end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device.
scoreFormatDescribes the type of score used to represent a musical composition (e.g., short score, full score, condensed score, close score, etc.).
scriptDescContains a description of the letters or characters used in an autographic item.
sealDescDescribes the seals or similar external attachments applied to an item.
secFolioMarks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for the item.
signaturesProvides a description of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex.
soundChanReflects the number of apparent sound channels in the playback of a recording (monaural, stereophonic, quadraphonic, etc.).
specReproThe equalization system, noise reduction system, etc. used in making the recording (e.g., NAB, DBX, Dolby, etc.).
stampContains a word or phrase describing an official mark indicating ownership, genuineness, validity, etc.
supportDescGroups elements describing the physical support material of an item.
titlePageContains a transcription of the title page of a text.
trackConfigNumber of physical/input tracks on a sound medium (e.g., eight track, twelve track).
typeDescContains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of a printed source.
watermarkContains a description of a watermark or similar device.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements used to represent a textual or musical incipit.
incipThe opening music and/or words of a musical or textual work.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements used to provide a heading at the start of a text division or other markup component.
headContains any heading, for example, the title of a section of text, or the heading of a list.
(MEI.shared) Groups paragraph-like elements.
pOne or more text phrases that form a logical prose passage.
Metadata header component declarations.
captureModeThe means used to record notation, sound, or images in the production of a source/manifestation (e.g., analogue, acoustic, electric, digital, optical etc.).
carrierFormThe specific class of material to which the physical carrier of the source/manifestation belongs (e.g., sound cassette, videodisc, microfilm cartridge, transparency, etc.). The carrier for a manifestation comprising multiple physical components may include more than one form (e.g., a filmstrip with an accompanying booklet, a separate sound disc carrying the sound track for a film, etc.).
conditionThe physical condition of an item, particularly any variances between the physical make-up of the item and that of other copies of the same item (e.g., missing pages or plates, brittleness, faded images, etc.).
fileCharStandards or schemes used to encode the file (e.g., ASCII, SGML, etc.), physical characteristics of the file (e.g., recording density, parity, blocking, etc.), and other characteristics that have a bearing on how the file can be processed.
foliaDescDescribes the order of folia and bifolia making up the text block of a manuscript or print.
handListContainer for one or more hand elements.
historyProvides a container for information about the history of a resource other than the circumstances of its creation.
inscriptionAn inscription added to an item, such as a bookplate, a note designating the item as a gift, and/or the author’s signature.
perfDurationUsed to express the duration of performance of printed or manuscript music or the playing time for a sound recording, videorecording, etc.
physMediumRecords the physical materials used in the source, such as ink and paper.
plateNumDesignation assigned to a resource by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page.
playingSpeedPlaying speed for a sound recording is the speed at which the carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended (e.g., 33 1/3 rpm, 19 cm/s, etc.).
scoreFormatDescribes the type of score used to represent a musical composition (e.g., short score, full score, condensed score, close score, etc.).
soundChanReflects the number of apparent sound channels in the playback of a recording (monaural, stereophonic, quadraphonic, etc.).
specReproThe equalization system, noise reduction system, etc. used in making the recording (e.g., NAB, DBX, Dolby, etc.).
trackConfigNumber of physical/input tracks on a sound medium (e.g., eight track, twelve track).
watermarkContains a description of a watermark or similar device.
Manuscript description component declarations.
accMatHolds a description of any additional material bound with an item, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments.
addDescProvides a description of significant additions found within an item, such as marginalia or other annotations.
bindingDescDescribes the present and former bindings of an item.
catchwordsDescribes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up an item, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page.
colophonContains a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the item.
decoDescContains a description of the decoration of an item.
explicitContains the explicit of a manuscript item; that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it.
heraldryContains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc.
layoutDescCollects layout descriptions.
rubricContains a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning or end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device.
scriptDescContains a description of the letters or characters used in an autographic item.
sealDescDescribes the seals or similar external attachments applied to an item.
secFolioMarks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for the item.
signaturesProvides a description of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex.
stampContains a word or phrase describing an official mark indicating ownership, genuineness, validity, etc.
supportDescGroups elements describing the physical support material of an item.
typeDescContains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of a printed source.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
dimensionsInformation about the physical size of an entity; usually includes numerical data.
extentUsed to express size in terms other than physical dimensions, such as number of pages, records, bytes, physical components, etc.
headContains any heading, for example, the title of a section of text, or the heading of a list.
incipThe opening music and/or words of a musical or textual work.
pOne or more text phrases that form a logical prose passage.
titlePageContains a transcription of the title page of a text.

Dedicatory text and title page features may also be encoded here when they are not transcribed as part of the front or back matter; i.e., when they are considered to be meta-data rather than a transcription.

The model of this element is based on the physdesc element of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD).

<elementSpec ident="physDesc" module="MEI.header">
<gloss versionDate="2022-05-18" xml:lang="en">physical description</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Container for information about the appearance, construction, or handling of physical materials, such as their dimension, quantity, color, style, and technique of creation.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.bibl"/>
<rng:ref name="model.headLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.pLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.physDescPart"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>Dedicatory text and title page features may also be encoded here when they are not transcribed as part of the front or back matter;
, when they are considered to be meta-data rather than a transcription.</p>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The model of this element is based on the <ref target="https://www.loc.gov/ead/EAD3taglib/EAD3-TL-eng.html#elem-physdesc">physdesc</ref> element of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD).</p>