Relationships between FRBR entities.
Module MEI.frbr
Used by
att.rel (@rel)
Allowed values
Target is an abridgement, condensation, or expurgation of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasAbridgement.
Target is an adaptation, paraphrase, free translation, variation (music), harmonization (music), or fantasy (music) of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasAdaptation.
Target is an alternate format or simultaneously released edition of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasAlternate.
Target is an arrangement (music) of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasArrangement.
Target is a cadenza, libretto, choreography, ending for unfinished work, incidental music, or musical setting of a text of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasComplement.
Target is a physical embodiment of the current abstract entity; describes the expression-to-manifestation relationship.
Reciprocal relationship of hasEmbodiment.
Target is an exemplar of the class of things represented by the current entity; describes the manifestation-to-item relationship.
Reciprocal relationship of hasExamplar.
Target is a parody, imitation, or travesty of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasImitation.
Target is a chapter, section, part, etc.; volume of a multivolume manifestation; volume/issue of serial; intellectual part of a multipart work; illustration for a text; sound aspect of a film; soundtrack for a film on separate medium; soundtrack for a film embedded in film; monograph in a series; physical component of a particular copy; the binding of a book of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasPart.
Target is a realization of the current entity; describes the work-to-expression relationship.
Reciprocal relationship of hasRealization.
Target has been reconfigured: bound with, split into, extracted from the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasReconfiguration.
Target is a reproduction, microreproduction, macroreproduction, reprint, photo-offset reprint, or facsimile of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasReproduction.
Target is a revised edition, enlarged edition, or new state (graphic) of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasRevision.
Target is a sequel or succeeding work of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasSuccessor.
Target is a digest or abstract of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasSummarization.
Target is an index, concordance, teacher's guide, gloss, supplement, or appendix of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasSupplement.
Target is a dramatization, novelization, versification, or screenplay of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasTransformation.
Target is a literal translation or transcription (music) of the current entity.
Reciprocal relationship of hasTranslation.
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="hasAbridgement">
<desc>Target is an abridgement, condensation, or expurgation of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isAbridgementOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasAbridgement.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasAdaptation">
<desc>Target is an adaptation, paraphrase, free translation, variation (music), harmonization (music), or fantasy (music) of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isAdaptationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasAdaptation.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasAlternate">
<desc>Target is an alternate format or simultaneously released edition of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isAlternateOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasAlternate.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasArrangement">
<desc>Target is an arrangement (music) of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isArrangementOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasArrangement.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasComplement">
<desc>Target is a cadenza, libretto, choreography, ending for unfinished work, incidental music, or musical setting of a text of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isComplementOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasComplement.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasEmbodiment">
<desc>Target is a physical embodiment of the current abstract entity; describes the expression-to-manifestation relationship.</desc>
<valItem ident="isEmbodimentOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasEmbodiment.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasExemplar">
<desc>Target is an exemplar of the class of things represented by the current entity; describes the manifestation-to-item relationship.</desc>
<valItem ident="isExemplarOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasExamplar.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasImitation">
<desc>Target is a parody, imitation, or travesty of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isImitationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasImitation.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasPart">
<desc>Target is a chapter, section, part, etc.; volume of a multivolume manifestation; volume/issue of serial; intellectual part of a multipart work; illustration for a text; sound aspect of a film; soundtrack for a film on separate medium; soundtrack for a film embedded in film; monograph in a series; physical component of a particular copy; the binding of a book of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isPartOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasPart.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasRealization">
<desc>Target is a realization of the current entity; describes the work-to-expression relationship.</desc>
<valItem ident="isRealizationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasRealization.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasReconfiguration">
<desc>Target has been reconfigured: bound with, split into, extracted from the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isReconfigurationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasReconfiguration.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasReproduction">
<desc>Target is a reproduction, microreproduction, macroreproduction, reprint, photo-offset reprint, or facsimile of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isReproductionOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasReproduction.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasRevision">
<desc>Target is a revised edition, enlarged edition, or new state (graphic) of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isRevisionOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasRevision.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasSuccessor">
<desc>Target is a sequel or succeeding work of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isSuccessorOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasSuccessor.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasSummarization">
<desc>Target is a digest or abstract of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isSummarizationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasSummarization.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasSupplement">
<desc>Target is an index, concordance, teacher's guide, gloss, supplement, or appendix of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isSupplementOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasSupplement.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasTransformation">
<desc>Target is a dramatization, novelization, versification, or screenplay of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isTransformationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasTransformation.</desc>
<valItem ident="hasTranslation">
<desc>Target is a literal translation or transcription (music) of the current entity.</desc>
<valItem ident="isTranslationOf">
<desc>Reciprocal relationship of hasTranslation.</desc>