
Visual offset attributes. Some items may have their location recorded in terms of pairs of offsets from their programmatically-determined location. The startho and endho attributes record the horizontal offsets of the start and end points of the item, respectively. Similarly, the startvo and endvo attributes record the vertical offsets of the start and end points of the item. The startto and endto attributes hold timestamp offsets, the most common use of which is as alternatives to the ho attributes.
Module MEI.shared
curve (direct member of att.visualoffset2)
@endho(optional)Records the horizontal adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined end point. Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL. att.visualoffset2.ho
@endto(optional)Records a timestamp adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined end point. Value conforms to data.TSTAMPOFFSET.
@endvo(optional)Records a vertical adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined end point. Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL. att.visualoffset2.vo
@startho(optional)Records the horizontal adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined start point. Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL. att.visualoffset2.ho
@startto(optional)Records a timestamp adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined start point. Value conforms to data.TSTAMPOFFSET.
@startvo(optional)Records a vertical adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined start point. Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL. att.visualoffset2.vo
<memberOf key="att.visualoffset2.ho"/>
<memberOf key=""/>
<memberOf key="att.visualoffset2.vo"/>