
Logical domain attributes for staffDef in the mensural repertoire.
Module MEI.mensural
Attributes if a dot is to be added to the base symbol. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN. att.mensural.log
@mensur.sign(optional)The base symbol in the mensuration sign/time signature of mensural notation. Value conforms to data.MENSURATIONSIGN. att.mensural.log
@mensur.slash(optional)Indicates the number lines added to the mensuration sign. For example, one slash is added for what we now call 'alla breve'. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.mensural.log
@modusmaior(optional)Describes the maxima-long relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMAIOR. att.mensural.shared
@modusminor(optional)Describes the long-breve relationship. Value conforms to data.MODUSMINOR. att.mensural.shared
@prolatio(optional)Describes the semibreve-minim relationship. Value conforms to data.PROLATIO. att.mensural.shared
@proport.num(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.num is for the first value in the ratio. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.mensural.log
@proport.numbase(optional)Together, proport.num and proport.numbase specify a proportional change as a ratio, e.g., 1:3. Proport.numbase is for the second value in the ratio. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.mensural.log
@tempus(optional)Describes the breve-semibreve relationship. Value conforms to data.TEMPUS. att.mensural.shared
<memberOf key="att.mensural.log"/>